Friday, April 12, 2013

Woulda Coulda Shoulda

In reality, the very first post on my blog was written well over four years ago! It was February 2009 to be exact. Never mind the date stamp of April 2013...that resulted from not being terribly well versed with Blogger. And what can I say? I'm also click happy.

Time sure did fly, and I'm not quite certain I was having fun all along.

I recently read Hugh MacLeod's (acclaimed blogger behind book. Mostly cartoon illustrations from Hugh, but it does include some words with lots of insight on blogging and how to succeed online. It's Hugh's book that pushed me over the edge to start my blog. Now. At this very moment. 

Hell, I've been sitting on my arse for the last four years. Was I going to sit around for another four? Dagnabbit, no!

The Start

Just got started with Blogger. Here goes...